Thursday, April 30, 2009

the end of the shred at 27 days?!?!?

I am so stinkin mad, i cant even believe it. I hurt my knee yesterday, well actually the day before. I have lots of fluid underneath my knee (says doc) i have to be real easy with it for atleast a week and see how it is then and if its not better then to see a Ortho. I made it 27 days, and am very proud of myself thus far. i weighed myself this morning and am at 161!! That is 3 pounds in 7 days. So total i have lost 6 pounds all together, i think that is awesome. 6 pounds in 27 days. I feel so good about myself lately and am excited that since i have started trying to lose weight (about 4 months) I have dropped 20 pounds! I have decided that my long term goal is 140 which means 21 more pounds that i know is totally possible. Although a little harder now. So i need some help, i am hoping that some of you may be able to help me with some ideas of things i can do without killing my knee. i will have measurments and pics tomorrow. And congrats to all who have or are getting through the shred!!!

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